Which programming languages are in demand in the industry?

 There are many programming languages in demand in the industry, and the popularity of programming languages can vary depending on the field, industry, and region. Here are some programming languages that are currently in high demand:

1. Python: Python is a high-level, interpreted language that is easy to learn and use. It has a large and active community, and is widely used in data science, machine learning, scientific computing, and web development.

2. Java: Java is a popular language for building enterprise software, mobile apps, and web applications. It is known for its platform independence, meaning that programs written in Java can run on any platform that has a Java Virtual Machine (JVM).

3. JavaScript: JavaScript is a front-end language used for building web applications that are interactive and dynamic. It is also used on the back-end (with Node.js) and for mobile app development (with React Native).

4. Go: Go is a newer language that was developed by Google. It is gaining popularity for its speed and efficiency, and is often used for building web applications, network tools, and system software.

5. Kotlin: Kotlin is a language that was developed by JetBrains, the company behind the popular IntelliJ IDEA IDE. It is a modern language that is becoming popular for Android app development due to its concise syntax, null safety features, and interoperability with Java.

6. Rust: Rust is a systems programming language that is designed to be fast, safe, and memory efficient. It is used for building system software, web applications, and games.

7. Swift: Swift is a programming language developed by Apple for building iOS, macOS, and other Apple platform applications. It is known for its safety features, modern syntax, and interoperability with Objective-C.

Remember that the choice of programming language depends on the specific needs of your project and the demands of your job market. It's important to research the strengths and weaknesses of each language and choose the one that is best suited for your needs.

Remember that the popularity of programming languages can vary depending on the specific job market, so it's important to research the demand in your region and industry before choosing a language to specialize in.